Thursday, October 30

1C. Family

- Vocabulary: Personality adjectives (p. 146)
  • Watch the first 15 minutes of the film Four Weddings and a Funeral with Hugh Grant and define the main characters’ personality (Charles, Carrie, Fiona, Scarlett, the Scottish, the bearded man)
  • Pair crossword

- Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns (p.15)

  • They're looking at themselves. (Mary is looking at herself in the mirror; John is looking at himself in the mirror)
  • They are looking at each other. (one another)

- Listening & Speaking (p. 15): What’s your personality according to your position in the family?

- Listening (language laboratory): Agatha Christie and her mystery work.
Useful vocabulary: gloves, furniture, stormy night, flamboyant, absent-minded, well-manered.

- Extra point: Both ... and / Either... or / Neither... nor
Both of us / Both of them

Both Mary and Ann are nice. (or Both girls are nice)
Either Mary or Ann will get the prize.
Neither of us agreed with the President.

Saturday, October 25

1C. Family

- Reading, vocabulary & speaking: "Families have a great-great future" (p.12)
Useful vocabulary: an only child, stepmother, in-laws, single-parent families.

- Grammar: the Future!! (p.130) What future tense (present continuous, going to + infinitive, will + infinitive) do we use to express...
a plan or intention ______
an arrangement ______
a prediction ________
a promise or offer _____

Remember: we use "shall + infinitive" for offers and suggestions in questions with 'I' and 'we' (Not will!): Shall we go to the cinema this evening?

- Reading: "Two sisters tell the truth about themselves - and each other..." (p.14)
Useful vocabulary: cook, bright red spiky hair, age gap, make it up, pinch, blame.

- Speaking: "My ideal partner...": what's important for you in a relationship? (photocopy)

1B. Sports

- Listening: Juan Antonio Marín talks about his experience as a referee. (p.9)

- Vocabulary (p.145) and Sports Quiz (p.19). Do you know...
  • How long does a football match last?
  • How many referees are there in a basketball match?
  • How long is a marathon?
  • How many holes are there on a golf course?
  • How long is one lap of an athletics track?

  • - Pronunciation: what's the difference between 'horse' and 'serve'? Find out in p. 10!!

    - Reading: "When you hear the final whistle" (p.11)

    Wednesday, October 15

    1B. Sports

    Activity 1 # Introduction: Rafa Nadal in Wimbledon, day 9. Go ahead and watch it again at

    Activity 2 # Reading: "Famous (cheating) moments in sport" (p. 8). Useful vocabulary: score a goal, crowd, referee, gold medal.

    Activity 3 # Past simple, Past continuous, Past perfect (p.130) - remember the story and elicit when each of the verbal tenses above is used:
    "Once upon a time, a girl had a horse. While the girl was washing the dishes, the horse escaped. When the girl got to the farm, the horse had already escaped."

    Activity 4 # Speaking: think and tell an anecdote about ... a time you cheated in an exam / a really exciting sports event you saw / a time you had an accident or sports injury / a time you saw a celebrity.

    Classroom Language

    Asking for help:
    - Excuse me
    - Can / could you say that again, please?
    - Can you help me, please?
    - Could I have a copy, please?
    - How do you say ... in English?
    - How do you spell it?
    - Where's the stress?

    Apologizing/Making Excuses:
    - Sorry I'm late
    - I couldn't come to class on Monday. I was ill.
    - I won't be able to come next week because...
    - I have to leave early today because...

    Working in pairs:
    - What do we have to do?
    - What did he/she say?
    - Whose turn is it?
    - Do you agree? I don't agree / I agree (with you)

    Homework - 1A

    - Workbook: pp. 4-6
    - The Good Grammar Book: present tenses pp. 13-30 / frequency adverbs pp. 204-205

    Sunday, October 12

    1A. Food and Restaurants

    Activity 1 # Vocabulary (p.144)
    Activity 2 # Pronunciation: what's the difference between 'bull' and 'boot'? (p.6)
    Activity 3 # Listening: Kevin Poulter, an English chef, opened a restaurant in Santiago. Find out about him (p.7)
    Useful vocabulary: unsocial hours, trifle, Stilton, sweet tooth.

    1A. Food: fuel or pleasure?

    Activity 1 # Reading & Speaking (pp.4- 5)
    - Is food a pleasure for you?
    - What do you normally eat in a typical day?
    - Are you trying to cut down on anything at the moment?
    - Are people's diet getting better or worse?
    Check on the useful vocabulary: eat out, heat up, takeaway, wholemeal, portion, dish.

    Activity 2 # Listening about Rumiko Yasuda and her eating habits (p.5)

    Activity 3 # Present Simple, Present Continuous / Action and Non-action verbs (p.130)


    Activity 1 # Letter to the class / Letter to your classmate
    Activity 2 # Grammar revision
    Activity 3 # Listening and Speaking: "The Seven Wonders of Britain"