1. Play noisy games on a mobile phone in public.
2. Send text messages when your car is stopped at traffic lights.
3. Switch off your mobile on a plane.
4. Switch off your phone in class.
- Reading and speaking: "Culture Shock" (p.38)
Useful expressions: step on someone’s foot, pour some wine into a glass, make a noise, swallow food, translate a word.
- Class discussion: Good manners? Bad manners? Does it matter? (p.39)
Greeting people (kiss people on both cheeks when you meet them for the first time)
In a restaurant (let your children run around and be noisy)
A man’s role (pay for a woman on the first date)
Driving (always stop at a pedestrian crossing)
Visiting people (take a present if you’re invited to dinner at someone’s home)
- Oral activity in pairs and class discussion: "Are they true?" - how much do you know about other countries' laws and customs:
1. In China, when you use chopsticks you shouldn't leave them upright in the bowl. It brings bad luck.
2. In Sweden, if you drink and drive, you have to go to prison for six months.
3. In Argentina, when you get on a train you should shake hands with all the other people in the carriage.